MS Word এ পৃষ্ঠা নম্বর দিবেন যেভাবে

How to Insert page number in MS Word
step 1: Select Insert > Page Number, and then choose the location and style you want.
step 2: If you don't want a page number to appear on the first page, select Different First Page.
step 3: If you want numbering to start with 1 on the second page, go to Page Number > Format Page Numbers, and set Start at to 0.
step 4: When you're done, select Close Header and Footer or press Esc.
How to setup page numbering from a specific page in Word (Word এ একটি নির্দিষ্ট পৃষ্ঠা থেকে পৃষ্ঠা নম্বর সেটআপ করবেন যেভাবে) Step 1: Select which page you wish to start the numbering from (ধাপ 1: আপনি কোন পৃষ্ঠা থেকে নম্বর দেওয়া শুরু করতে চান তা নির্বাচন করুন)
Step 2: Move the cursor to the start of that page from here select ‘Page Layout’ followed by ‘Breaks’. (ধাপ 2: কার্সারটিকে সেই পৃষ্ঠার শুরুতে সরান এখান থেকে 'পৃষ্ঠা বিন্যাস' তারপর 'ব্রেক' নির্বাচন করুন।)

Step 3: Select the ‘Next Page’ option (see above). You will find that this option will create a new section break and begins a new section on the page that you asked for.
Step 4: Next make you way over to ‘Insert’ then hit the ‘Page Number’ option. Select whichever format you like. For the purposes of this article, we will pick the ‘Bottom Of Page’ option.

After you have selected an option, you will find that you can now see all your pages as well as the first ones which are now numbered.
Step 5: While you have the page numbering editor open, you will need to select ‘Link to Previous’ and check that it is not highlighted as it will stop Word from counting the page numbers.
Step 6: Once you have completed this, simply delete the numbers for the pages that you don’t want to have a page number.
Step 7: To get to the last step, make your way back to ‘Insert’ followed by ‘Page Number’ and then hit the ‘Format Page Numbers’ option.

Step 8: Once this window opens, go to the Page Numbering section and select ‘Start at 1’ then hit ‘Ok’
If nothing happened, Complete the next step...

Step 9: Next Click Agin the page where you want to start Page numbering start and then click ‘Insert’ then hit the ‘Page Number’ option. Select whichever format you like.
Hope this will complete. Thank you very much for visiting my blog page.

Summary of the post
Open your (multiple page) document then
Click->page layout menu->breaks->next page
Click -> Insert menu-> page number-> bottom of page-> bold number 1
Then Click link to previous to stop and then remove the page numbers from all the page which you do not want to show page number
Finally select the page footer where you want page numbering start and then
click again Insert menu-> page number-> format page number and start at 1 and click OK. Done your task? Good luck and bye.

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