BUET Undergraduate Admission

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FAQ Regrading BUET Admission 2024-25

Inquire About Undergraduate Admission
If you experience technical difficulty when applying online, please do not hesitate to contact the Admission Section, Registrar's Office, BUET, and we will be happy to assist you.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Q01. What are the requirements of photo and signature?
A. The photo should have a resolution of 300*350 pixels (width 300 and height 350) and a size up to 75 KB. The signature should have a resolution of 300*80 pixels (width 300 and height 80) and a size up to 20 KB. Q02. Where can I find the Final Submit or Download Money Receipt options?
A. On the BUET undergraduate admission website. Q03. Do I need to collect an Application Form from the Registrar's Office at BUET?
A. No. The Form will be available only online on the BUET undergraduate admission website. Q04. Which board should be selected for GCE O/ A level?
A. Applicants from EDEXCEL, GCSE, and IB should select IGSCE for SSC or equavalent and IAL for HSC or equavalent. Q05. Can I take a print out of the form and fill it with a pen?
A. No. You can fill the form online only. Q06. The automatically loaded grades and/or marks do not match with my grade sheet. What should I do?
A. You can edit the automatically loaded grades and marks. However, you have to be certain that you are providing correct information. The information will later be carefully scrutinized. Any wrong information will lead to cancellation of the application. Q07. Do I need to provide information of all the fields of the application form?
A. Applicants passing SSC/equivalent and HSC/equivalent examinations from any national education boards, Madrasah board or Technical education board can skip only the field of Phone No, if you do not have one, and Line 2 of each address field. Applicants passing examinations from a board other than the aforementioned boards, please refer to the following question. Q08. Which fields of the application form can be skipped by applicants passing examinations from somewhere other than any national education boards, Madrasah board or Technical education board? A. You can skip the following fields. Information regarding SSC or equivalent examination: You can skip the fields of Registration No, GPA/ Marks and GPA Scale/ Full Marks. However, you must provide the Name of Institution and Roll No. Information regarding HSC or equivalent examination: You can skip the fields of Registration No, GP Obtained in English, GP Obtained in Bangla, Total GP/ Marks Obtained, GPA Scale/ Full Marks and GPA/ Marks Obtained (with Additional subject). However, you must provide the Name of Institution, Roll No. and Grade obtained in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Q09. If I have multiple roll numbers in SSC/ HSC or equivalent examination from a foreign board, which one should I enter?
A. Any one of the valid roll numbers, preferably the latest one. Q10. I do not own a mobile phone. Can I skip the field of mobile phone number?
A. No. Even if you do not own a mobile phone, please provide the mobile phone number of a person through whom the BUET authority can contact you if necessary. Q11. The remaining part of my address is too long. What should I do?
A. You have to type the remaining part of your address in a concise meaningful way so that it does not exceed 80 characters (50 characters in the text box of Line 1 and 30 characters in the text box of Line 2). Q12. I could not follow the code shown at the bottom of the form. What should I do?
A. If you cannot follow the code, you can change it by pressing the button just below the text. If you can read the changed code then enter it, else change again. You can repeat the process until you can read the code. Q13. Should I take print out of the "Preview" of my application?
A: No. All the applicants can download a pdf version of the information they provided by clicking "Download Application PDF" after clicking the "Submit" button. Or you can download a pdf version of the information you provided by clicking "Download Details of Application" in the Admission Home page after clicking the "Submit" button. Q14. How can I be sure that my online application is submitted?
A. You will be prompted a message stating that you have successfully submitted the online application. In the message an automatically generated Serial No. of Application Form will also be mentioned. Please take note of this Serial No. for future use. Please see the status of your application, by clicking the Final Submit button. Q15. After clicking the "Submit" button, I did not get any message. What should I do?
A. This may happen due to power failure or other occasional technical problems. In this case, you have to fill the form again and resubmit. Q16. I have made unintentional mistakes in my submitted online application. What should I do?
A. You can fill up a new online application form afresh and then submit again. Please take note of the new Serial No. for future use. Q17. I have made multiple online submissions. Will that be a problem?
A. No. You need to keep record of the Serial No. of the last application for which you have made the payment through Mobile Banking (Sonali Bank/ Nagad/Rocket/bKash). Q18. How can I pay the Application Fee through Mobile Banking (Sonali Bank/ Nagad/ Rocket/ bKash)?
A. Please see the Payment Process Menu on the BUET undergraduate admission website. Q19. I do not have a printer. What can I do? A. There will be computer and printing facilities at BUET for applicants. Please contact the Admission Section of the Registrar's Office, BUET. Q20. I have completed IAL. While applying, I cannot fill up roll number or what I should fill up in the field "Roll Number"?
A. Please select "IGSCE" for S.S.C. or Equivalent Examination and "IAL" for H.S.C. or Equivalent Examination. Use your Candidate Numbers as Roll Numbers, fill up the other information and complete the application. Q21. I applied for some information corrections in my Academic Certificate or Marksheet related to SSC or HSC Examination which is now in process or the updated information is not included in data base. How I can apply?
A. Please apply with the correct information. In that case, if your finally submitted application is marked by the Symbol E, T, S or R, you must follow the step 4 of the application process (webpage link http://ugadmission.buet.ac.bd/). Q22. I passed SSC Examination in 2021 and HSC in 2024. How I can apply?
A. If your academic information related to SSC examination does not appear from database, please apply by providing with correct information related to SSC examination manually. In that case, if your finally submitted application is marked by the Symbol E, T, S or R, you must follow the step 4 of the application process (webpage link http://ugadmission.buet.ac.bd/). Q23. My finally submitted application is marked by the Symbol E, T, S or R but I have not received HSC Grade sheet or tabulation sheet. What should I do?
A. You may provide document supporting HSC Mark Sheet/ Grade Sheet downloaded from online/ received from your education board attested by the Head of the concerned institution. Q24. I applied in group 'Kha' group. May I get admitted in the subjects of 'Ka' group?
A. If you are eligible to sit admission test and get sufficient marks in "Ka" group, you can get admitted in the subjects of "Ka" group. Q25. I paid money but not yet received confirmation. What should I do?
A. Please wait for a few hours (12 hours). If you do not receive confirmation, try to download money receipt and complete the final submission. If you fail to download money receipt after waiting for sufficient time, you can assume that your payment was not successful. In that case, you should pay again and then you should try to download money receipt and complete the final submission. Q26. I am facing problem to pay my bill. What should I do?
A. Please try again. If you fail, you may try with another online payment account/ agent. Q27. Who can attest my document if my application is marked by the Symbol E, T, S or R? A. Please check the prospectus for any such instructions. Q28. Do I need to apply for both “KA“ and “KHA“ group separately?
A. No. If you want to apply for Engineering departments, Urban and Regional Planning department, and Architecture department then you should apply for “KHA“ group only and if you want to apply for Engineering departments, and Urban and Regional Planning department then you should apply for “KA“ group only. Q29. I have mistakenly applied for both “KA“ and “KHA“ group and made payment for both applications. Will that be a problem?
A. There will not be any problem. If you get selected for the admission test, then you will get a single roll number only for both applications and you will be considered as “KHA“ group applicant. Q30. How to contact for more support?
A. Please send email to ugadmission@iict.buet.ac.bd with your application ID and Name.

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