HSC exam form fill up begins July 9, 2023 - JUST Online Income Tips and Tricks, With One Click Solution of BD Education, Scholarship and Jobs
  • বন্যা পরিস্থিতির বিষয়টি বিবেচনা করে GST চতুর্থ পর্যায়ের প্রাথমিক ভর্তি কার্যক্রম আপাতত স্থগিত করা

    JUST Online Income Tips and Tricks, With One Click Solution of BD Education, Scholarship  and Jobs

    Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, Asalamuwalaikum and Welcome to Blog. Just Single Click is a online service related blog or website for Bangladeshi students and job seekers where we tried to integrate multiple types of services and links that is inevitable for students who are studying schools, colleges, universities as well as Bangladeshi job seeker. All readers can get information regarding online income tips from this website.

    Monday, June 26, 2023

    HSC exam form fill up begins July 9, 2023

    HSC exam form fill-up begins July 9, 2023 The form fill up for this year's Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) and its equivalent examinations 2023 will begin on July 9 and will continue until July 16.
    Students will complete the form fill-up online. Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Dhaka said this in a notice on Thursday. Students can submit fees online till July 24.
    According to the notice, the students will have to pay the form fill-up fee online by July 24. Out of the regular students, the students of science will have to pay Tk 2,628, while students of commerce and arts will have to pay a fee of Tk 2,120.
    However, the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) and its equivalent examinations will start on August 17.
    HSC-2023 News

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