Top 10 tips for Bangladeshi Medical Applicants

Top 10 tips for Bangladeshi Medical Applicants

1. Reading text books is a must You already know the marks distribution of the medical admission test. The exam will consist of 30 marks in biology, 25 in chemistry, 20 in physics, 15 in English and 100 in general knowledge. Thorough study of biology, chemistry and physics text books is important. It will help you identify your weaknesses and strengths. So, it is important you have a very firm grip of text books.
2. Practice and practice Take as many model tests as you can. Tests can be taken at coaching centres. Also, you can solve questions of previous years. The more tests one takes, the more self-assessment one can make. Even if you cannot take proper preparations due to illness or other problems, you cannot forego model tests.
3. Recent news For general knowledge, you have to keep abreast with the important incidents which took place three months before the exam. Extra effort should be given in English and general knowledge as there are no fixed syllabuses for these two subjects.
4. The month prior to exams The last one month before the exam is very important. Coaching centres remain closed during this time due to government order. Many students spend this time a bit relaxed and that's the biggest mistake. A student should be more serious in preparation at that time.
5. Strategy varies from person to person Your study plan should be unique as you know your strengths and weaknesses more than anybody else. So, you should make your own strategy. You have to make a study plan which fits you the best.
6. Don’t listen to everyone Different people will give you different suggestions about your preparations. You cannot take all the suggestions. Do not listen to any negative comments on your ability to do well in the test. But you can take suggestions from seniors who studied at medical colleges and who have the experience to take the test.
7. Time is precious Every moment is important during the exam. Make sure nothing disturbs your concentration during exam. Check beforehand if the chair you or table in the exam hall is okay. It is better answering those questions you are certain about. I answered comparatively easier questions in first 47 minutes and took the risk of answering some more questions I was not certain about in remaining time. I got 87 marks.
8. Keep fit It is important not to fall ill by concentrating too much on preparation. Be cautious of the dengue outbreak. It is a big loss if you cannot study even for three days. I studied everyday even for some time without any break.
9. Be confident This exam is more like a cricket game, you must be confident. You can become nervous if any negative thoughts enter your mind. This much needed confidence could be accrued through repeated practice. Never lose hope.
10. Don’t fall prey to any trap Medical question paper did not leak out in recent years and there is no way it can be. So, do not listen to anyone who claims to have the questions the night before the exams. Do not pay any heed to any such discussion even of your friends and concentrate on your own business.
Medical Admission Tips
Medical Admission Tips

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